Deposition and nitrogen budget

The deposition of acidifying and eutrophying components and crop damage due to ozone fluxes are still a major issue in the field of atmospheric pollution.

LOTOS-EUROS contributes to high-resolution deposition studies. It is one of the few models with a compensation point – the concentration of a given component at which atmospheric uptake equals deposition. This means that the deposition of ammonia depends on the presence of an ammonia reservoir at ground level and re-emission may even occur.

Deposition of nitrogen (oxidized + reduced) over Germany, assessed using the LOTOS-EUROS model in combination with observations of wet deposition (left) and phyto-toxic ozone dose for spruce (right)
Deposition of nitrogen (oxidized + reduced) over Germany, assessed using the LOTOS-EUROS model in combination with observations of wet deposition (left) and phyto-toxic ozone dose for spruce (right)
Example: NOx emissions for the year 2009 (all sectors)
Time series of modelled and measured ammonia concentrations in Bonheiden (Belgium) in 2009, showing the reduction of the unrealistic second NH3 peak of the default simulation brought about by using a meteorology-dependent emission factor for NH3 instead of time profiles based on long-term averages.